Artwork (c) Adam Villers 2020
Welcome to queermusicals.com!

This website has been built to support the forthcoming book LGBTQ characters and queer representation in musical theatre: 'Fantasies Come True', which will be published by Methuen Drama in 2024. The book is based around interviews with over 80 musical theatre practitioners in the UK, Canada and the USA and explores how musicals are representing different queer identities in the 21st century.
Here you will find links to musicals with lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, transgender, queer and intersex characters. The aim is to help students, academics and fans of musical theatre to access soundtrack recordings, YouTube trailers and websites of specific productions and musicals in development that will be mentioned in the book. There will also be occasional blogs about the writing process and eventually links to social media and websites for some of the practitioners interviewed in the book.
Musical theatre has not always been the best at representing the huge range of queer experiences across gender, race, disability and social class but the green shoots are appearing in our regional, Off-Broadway, Off-West End and fringe theatres - and sometimes even on Broadway and the West End as well! Please follow us on social media for further updates on the book over the next eighteen months or so until publication!